The role sharing in decommissioning and contaminated water management of Fukushima Daiichi NSP
Decommissioning Office
1. Developing Specific Strategies to Deal with Main Decommissioning Challenges
With experts gathered from Japan and around the world, the Decommissioning Office formulates strategies to deal with main mid-and-long term challenges in the decommissioning of the Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. Fukushima Daiichi NPS, such as methods of retrieval of fuel which has melted then hardened (fuel debris) and the radioactive waste management, and supports decommissioning work.
Additionally, the NDF offers technical advice, etc., for addressing important immediate concerns held by the Japanese government and TEPCO, such as measures to deal with contaminated water.
2. R&D Project Management
The decommissioning of severely damaged reactors like those at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS is unprecedented in history. The process therefore calls for research and development of new technologies and technical systems.
In order to avoid delays in on-site decommissioning work, the NDF is involved in planning the systematic promotion of required R&D, and engages in progress management, evaluation, etc., of these plans.
3. Decommissioning based on the decommissioning reserve fund system
The NDF manages and supervises TEPCO’s decommissioning work based on the decommissioning reserve fund system.
4. Dissemination of Information
The NDF disseminates knowledge and information obtained in the course of implementing strategies to decommission the damaged reactors widely , and facilitates further understanding of the current situation at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS by working on bilateral communication with the regional society.